---Downloaded files--- The import files for: Indie were successfully downloaded! Initial max execution time = 30 Files info: Site URL = https://tokyoaltphoto.com Data file = /home/spwasher/tokyoaltphoto.com/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/demo-content-import-file_2020-12-19__23-24-13.xml Widget file = /home/spwasher/tokyoaltphoto.com/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/demo-widgets-import-file_2020-12-19__23-24-13.json Customizer file = /home/spwasher/tokyoaltphoto.com/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/demo-customizer-import-file_2020-12-19__23-24-13.dat Redux files: not defined! ---Importing widgets--- Main : 検索 - No Title - Widget already exists 最近の投稿 - No Title - Widget already exists 最近のコメント - No Title - Widget already exists アーカイブ - No Title - Widget already exists カテゴリー - No Title - Widget already exists メタ情報 - No Title - Widget already exists Ad Block: 1 : NeoMag: Call To Action - No Title - Widget already exists Ad Block: 2 : NeoMag: Call To Action - No Title - Widget already exists ---Importing customizer settings--- Customizer settings import finished! ---pt-ocdi/after_import---